# BaseAutocompleteInput

Input component allowing to select single values from a drop down that are filled into the input field as string

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
v-model input field settable from outside string|number - ''
list provide a list of options for the drop down.
could be a list of strings or objects - if it is objects if necessary please adapt
the props labelPropertyName (value to be displayed) and identifierPropertyName (used for
identification) for correct handling
array - []
label label for input field, required for usability purposes, handle
showing of label with property showLabel
string -
showLabel defines if input label should be visible boolean - true
id if field is occurring more then once - set an id
in case a custom input is used with the input slot it is important to
assign the same id to the input element
string - ''
placeholder set a placeholder for the input field string - 'Enter Text Here'
required mark as required field (currently only used for aria-required) boolean - false
invalid mark the form field as invalid and ideally also provide an error message
to display below the form field
boolean - false
errorMessage add an error message to be displayed below form field if field is invalid string - ''
showErrorIcon define if error icon should be shown boolean - true
isActive set input field in active state from outside.
the .sync modifier can be used on this prop
boolean - null
showInputBorder option to have the border of the input field not displayed boolean - true
useFormFieldStyling define if standard form field styling should be
used (otherwise no box shadow)
boolean - true
clearable if true a remove icon (or a custom icon if slot remove-icon is used) will be shown allowing to remove
all input at once
boolean - false
loadable if true space is reserved for a loader that can be activated
with the 'isLoading' prop
boolean - false
isLoading show spinner to indicate that something is loading
(for dynamically fetched entries that need to do backend requests)
boolean - false
language set a language (ISO 639-1) string - ''
disabled set true if input field should be disabled boolean - false
identifierPropertyName specify the object property that should be used as identifier string - 'id'
labelPropertyName specify the object property that should be used as value to be displayed string - 'label'
dropDownNoOptionsInfo message displayed when no selectable options are available string - 'No options available'
dynamicFetch if this is true parent needs to take care of filling the options list on string
input etc. - useful for fetching autocomplete options from a backend
boolean - true

# Events

Event name Properties Description
input undefined string - the altered input string event triggered when input changes - part of v-model
fetch-dropdown-entries value string - undefined an event specifically triggered when drop down should be fetched anew
when dynamicFetch is set true
update:is-active undefined boolean - is input field active update when active state of input field changes
the .sync modifier can be used on this event
selected undefined string, Object - selected option (if list of objects was provided the whole object) inform parent when an option was selected with all information provided in options list
(mainly useful when options list was array of objects - if strings this information
is provided with input event anyways)

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
drop-down-entry provide custom drop down options item string, Object - the option from provided options list
label-addition Slot to allow for additional elements on the right side of the label row <div> (e.g. language tabs)). for an example see BaseChipsInputField
pre-input-field slot to add elements within the form field but in a row before the actual input field. for an example see BaseChipsInputField
input-field-addition-before Slot to allow for additional elements in the input field <div> (before <input>). for an example see BaseChipsInputField
input-field-inline-before to add elements directly inline before the input (contrary to input-field-addition-before this does not wrap. for an example see BaseInput
input-field-addition-after for adding elements after input
post-input-field for adding elements at the end covering the whole height. for an example see BaseChipsInputField
error-icon use a custom icon instead of standard error/warning icon. for an example see BaseChipsInputField
remove-icon use a custom icon instead of standard remove icon. for an example see BaseChipsInputField

# Demo

Form Input Field with Dynamic Autocomplete. The Toggle lets you choose if the options are provided as array of strings or objects.

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM