# BaseResultBoxSection

A component to display rows of boxes with or without pagination

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
v-model actual entries list - if slot result-box is not used to use custom elements this
object array should have the following properties to be displayed
in a BaseImageBox:

id string - a unique identifier
title ?string - the title of the box
subtext ?string - a subtitle
description ?string - text displayed at the bottom of the box
imageUrl ?string - url to display an image
text ?string[] - an array with strings that will be
displayed if no image is provided

if a different schema is used please use the slot 'result-box' to create your own
elements - only id and title should still be provided but can also
be customized via identifierPropertyName and titlePropertyName
array - []
showHeader if false the header row (title and options) will not be available
Caveat: for draggable functionality this needs to be true
boolean - true
headerText title of section
it is recommended to also set the headerText even if slot header is used for header
for accessibility reasons
string - ''
showOptions define if options should be shown boolean - true
optionsButtonText set text for the options button if showOptions is true
this needs to be an object with show (displayed when options are hidden)
and hide (displayed when options are visible) attributes
object - {
show: 'edit',
hide: 'editReturn'
optionsButtonIcon set the icon for the options button.
if showOptions is true this needs to be an object with show
(displayed when options are hidden) and hide (displayed when
options are visible) attributes
object - {
show: 'edit',
hide: 'remove'
boxBreakpoints specify how many boxes should be displayed in a row in an array
with "tupples" (array with min-size and number of boxes).
depending on the size of the container (not screen width - unless
calcBoxNumberRelativeToWindow is set to true)
like the following:
[[0, [number of boxes]], [[min px size for this number of boxes], [number of boxes]], ...]
array - [[0, 2], [640, 4], [1024, 6]]
isLoading set component loader active boolean - false
editMode flag if component should be in edit mode (dragging, deleting,
other custom options visible)
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on this prop
boolean - false
editModeWhiteBackground set this variable true if background-color should be white in edit mode boolean - false
selectedList provide a list of selected entries for select options (can
be entry objects or entry ids).
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on this prop
array - []
selectOptionsText set a text for '[x] entries selected' and 'select all / none' object - {
selectAll: 'select all',
selectNone: 'select none',
entriesSelected: 'entries selected'
messageText if slot options-message-area is not used this variable
can be used to customize message text.
this should be a string or an object with the actions needed (default: delete,
if draggable is true than also a drag property with suiting text is needed).
in case of a string the same text is used for all actions
string - 'Drag or Select'
messageSubtext if slot options-message-area is not used this variable
can be used to customize message subtext.
this should be a string or an object with the actions needed (default: delete,
if draggable is true than also a drag property with suiting text is needed).
in case of a string the same text is used for all actions
string - 'Drag'n Drop to reorder or select the relevant items and choose an action'
draggable determine if boxes can be dragged
(only applicable if showHeader and showOptions is set to true)
boolean - false
usePagination set true if pagination should be used boolean - false
maxRows if usePagination is set true this will determine the number of
rows shown on one page
(only applicable if usePagination is set true)
number - 5
useExpandMode set this true if only a limited number of boxes should be shown
and rest can be displayed by clicking a "show more" button
boolean - false
expanded if useExpandMode is true set the state of 'show more' from outside
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on this prop
boolean - false
expandText Provide text that should be shown within the button with the
expand / collapse functionality.
should be an object with props expand for text to expand
and collapse for text to collapse
object - {
expand: 'more objects',
collapse: 'collapse'
total add a number of total elements (needed for useExpandMode and
number - null
currentPageNumber set the current page number from outside if usePagination is true.
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on this prop
number - null
maxShowMoreRows how many rows should be shown with show more button (expandMode)
(only applicable with useExpandMode true)
number - 1
jumpToTop define if the section should scroll to top on page change
(only applicable with usePagination true)
boolean - false
showActionButtonBoxes define if the big button box at the end of all attached items should be shown boolean - false
actionButtonsConfig set some config for each action used - needs to be an array of objects with the
following properties:

text string - the text displayed in the button
icon string - the icon name to display
(for available icons see BaseIcon )
value string - the value emitted on button click
[display='all'] ?string - define where the action should be displayed:
top: only in top row
bottom: only in action button box at bottom of list
all: on top as well as bottom
disabled ?boolean - disable button
array - [{
text: 'delete',
icon: 'waste-bin',
value: 'delete',
display: 'all',
disabled: false,
identifierPropertyName define a custom identifier property name for objects in your
entryList array.
if relevant property is contained in a nested object the string can
be in dot notation. e.g. nestedObject.id
string - 'id'
titlePropertyName define a custom title property name for objects in your
entryList array.
if relevant property is contained in a nested object the string can
be in dot notation. e.g. nestedObject.title
string - 'title'
usePaginationLinkElement specify if pagination elements should be a link element - if pagination element should
be a link element - please specify the kind of element (currently only Vue components (e.g.
RouterLink (opens new window),
NuxtLink (opens new window)) are supported)
string|boolean - false
fetchDataExternally set this variable true if pagination is used and data fetching is done per page boolean - false
scrollToOffset specify an additional number of px for the position the page
should jump to on page change
number - 0
initialItemsPerRow specify an initial number of items per row that should be assumed before
rendering the page
number - 6
supportiveText add text for screen reader users that helps them navigate list and use edit mode
object should have the following properties:

description: Text read on edit mode activation
activated: Text read after item was activated for reordering
(selected by enter key)
property moved can contain variable {pos} which will be filled with current
moved: Text read after item was moved
property moved can contain variables {pos} (new position) and {total} (total number
of list items)
object - {
description: 'Select items via space bar to carry out actions or use enter '
+ 'key to select an item for reordering. Use Tab key to navigate between items.',

activated: 'Item at position {pos} selected for reordering. Use arrow keys to order item.',
moved: 'Item moved to position {pos} of {total}'
disableListElementFocus BaseResultBoxSection is for example used to display search results - which contain a link
to the entry - in this case the focus should be on the link element so that navigation to
route link triggers on enter and focus on the list element itself is disabled (if not edit
boolean - false

# Events

Event name Properties Description
entries-changed undefined Object[] - the updated list of entries event emitted when the list of entries changed internally
(relevant if draggable is set true)
update:selected-list undefined Array - the list of selected entry ids inform the parent of the changes in selectedList and provide
the ids of all selected.
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on the corresponding prop
update:current-page-number undefined number - the new page number emitted when pagination is used and page number was changed
update:expanded undefined Boolean - true if list is expanded event emitted on expand toggle.
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on the corresponding prop
update:edit-mode undefined Boolean - flag for edit mode active emitted on edit mode toggle (options toggle).
the .sync modifier (opens new window) may be used on the corresponding prop
submit-action undefined string - the action type event triggered when an action is triggered (after selecting boxes)
items-per-row-changed undefined number - the new number of items that fit in a row communicate to parent when items per row changed, either after initial
render space calculations or when window was resized
entry-clicked entryId string - the id of the clicked entry event emitted from default image box when clicked

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
header add a custom header instead of headerText
optionButtons add custom option/action elements in the header row submit-action Function - the method that should be called after the action button was clicked
optionsMessageAreaAfter add a custom element after the message area
result-box for custom result boxes item Object - one list item of boxes to be displayed
index number - the index of the item
select-active boolean - are items in select mode
is-entry-selected boolean - is the particular item currently selected
entry-selected Function - method that should be called when an entry was selected
actionButtons add custom elements after result elements list use scoped slot prop itemsPerRow or dynamically adjusted css variable --items-per-row to adjust element width in accordance with other boxes items-per-row number - items per row calculated from container or page width
element-id string - add a class base-result-box-section__box-item-${elementId} to action button element to include it in box size and styling calculations

# Demo

Test you component configuration on this example component! (Some settings only have an effect in edit mode or view mode respectively)

An example demonstrating slots

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM