# BaseExpandList

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
data should be an object array with the following properties:
label string - the displayed label
id string - an identifier
data Object[] - an object array with the property:
* label string (renders component as
expandable row) or
* value string (renders component as entry row)

optional properties:
count number - used for the number shown in brackets
(else the array length will be used)
hidden boolean - used to set visibility and is set in edit mode to toggle item

the .sync modifier might be used on this prop
array - []
edit set edit mode from outside boolean - false
minItems specify number of minimal displayed items number - 3
multiple expand multiple items boolean - false
showMoreText button text to show more content string - 'Show all'
showLessText button text to show less content string - 'Show less'
editHideText button text to hide item string - 'Hide'
editShowText button text to show item string - 'Show'
supportiveText additional texts for screen-reader users to order items.
object that needs to have the following properties:
activate: Text read when item is focused, use variable {state} to
announce item visibility - specify text used in properties 'hidden' and 'visible'
activated: Text read after item was activated (selected by enter key)
description: Text read on initial list focus
moved: Text read after item was moved; can contain variables {pos} (for new position) and {total}
visible: string substituted to 'activate' text for state variable if item is visible
hidden: string substituted to 'activate' text for state variable if item is hidden
object - {
activate: 'Use the Enter key to select item. Item is currently {state}',
activated: 'Item selected. Use arrow keys to order item.',
description: 'Use Tab key to navigate to item an order item.',
moved: 'Item moved: {pos} of {total}',
visible: 'visible',
hidden: 'hidden'
controlType specify the type of visibility switch in edit mode
button: a BaseButton without text
toggle: a BaseToggle element without text
string button, toggle 'button'
expanded define which items are expanded array - []
disabled option to disable the edit functionalities of the element (toggle and draggable) boolean - false

# Methods

# reset

reset list data - this always restores the state of the data on last save() triggered (=was triggered in parent)

# save

save changed data

# Events

Event name Properties Description
update:data undefined Object[] - the modified data (e.g. from sorting) event emitted when data change internally (e.g. sorting, toggling hidden, etc.).
the .sync modifier may be used on the corresponding prop
expanded-state undefined Array - array with indices of the expanded item per level; eg: [0, 1]: level1 first item, level2 second item is expanded event triggered when expanded state changes
saved undefined object - the data altered and ready for saving triggered on button click

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
content a slot to provide customized entry row data Object - an object in data array

# Demo

Component to render list data

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM