# BaseEntrySelector

Component to select elements from a list, including search, options and pagination elements.

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
entries list of entries to display. Unless the slot entries is used this should be an object with
properties compatible with BaseMenuList list object array
array - []
entriesTotal provide the total number of entries for pagination calculations number - null
entriesPerPage number of entries per page (this does not steer the number of entries displayed.
(the correct number needs to be provided by entries) but is solely
needed for correct pagination calculations)
number - 10
entriesSelectable define if entries are selectable - thus if checkboxes are available boolean - false
maxSelectedEntries specify a maximum number of entries that can be selected.
specify 0 if there should be no limit
number - 0
height specify a custom height - mainly useful if component is within a pop-up.
Use a valid CSS height property value.
string - ''
isLoading flag to set if loader should be shown (for fetch requests) boolean - false
activeEntry specify the index of an entry to be marked active (color border on left side). number - -1
language specify a language (ISO 639-1) (used for label if label is language specific object
e.g. { de: 'xxx', en: 'yyy' })
string - 'en'
optionsHidden hide options completely (necessary if only before or after slot elements should remain)
if the complete options row should be hidden set showOptionsRow to false instead!
boolean - false
entryTypes define options to filter entries
structure e.g.: [{ label: { de: "Alle Typen", en: "All Types" }, source: "" }]
array - []
entryTypesConfig specify config options for your sorting drop down element (if sortOptions are
Needs to be an object with the following properties:
label string - specify a label for the sort options drop down (purely for accessibility purposes)
default ?Object - specify a default option that the dropdown is initialized with.
this needs to have the same object structure as the objects in entryTypes.
if no default is provided the first option in the list will be selected.
valuePropertyName string - specify the name of the property that contains a unique value
object - {
label: 'filter by type',
default: null,
valuePropertyName: 'value'
sortOptions define options for sorting entries.
structure e.g: [{ label: 'By Type', value: 'type_en' }]
array - []
sortConfig specify config options for your sorting drop down element (if sortOptions are
Needs to be an object with the following properties:
label string - specify a label for the sort options drop down (purely for accessibility purposes)
default ?Object - specify a default option that the dropdown is initialized with.
this needs to have the same object structure as the objects in entryTypes.
if no default is provided the first option in the list will be selected.
valuePropertyName string - specify the name of the property that contains a unique value
object - {
label: 'sort entries',
default: null,
valuePropertyName: 'value'
entrySelectorText specify informational texts for the component (especially helpful to provide language
specific text) - this needs to be an object with the following
properties (if you don't want to display any text leave an empty string):

noEntriesTitle: Header text shown if search for string returned no results.
noEntriesSubtext: subtext shown if search for string returned no result.
options: Text for title button.
This needs to be an object containing a show and hide property that are shown when
entriesSelectable is true or false respectively.
search: placeholder in search input field.
selectAll: Text for 'Select All' button.
selectNone: Text for 'Select None' button.
entriesSelected: Text for number of entries (x) selected. information displayed as
x {provided text}.

The values of this object might be plain string or a key for an i18n file (in case it is not
an object that is required! - in that case the above applies to the values within that
object - {
noEntriesTitle: 'No matching entries found',
noEntriesSubtext: 'Please adjust your search criteria.',

options: {
show: 'options',
hide: 'options',

search: 'Search',
selectAll: 'Select All',
selectNone: 'Select None',
entriesSelected: 'entries selected',
maxEntriesReached: 'Maximum Number Exceeded!'
useSearch define if search field should be shown.
this will have no effect if head slot is used.
boolean - true
showOptionsRow this will remove the complete row between search and entries list.
This means also the slots options and afterOptions are not available anymore!
(if only the options menu should be hidden use optionsHidden instead)
boolean - true

# Methods

# selectEntry

function to trigger from slot entries when an entry was selected

# Params

Param name Type Description
obj Object selected entry

# Events

Event name Properties Description
update:entries-selectable undefined boolean - are entries selectable emit event to inform parent about toggle triggered and keep prop variable
entriesSelectable in sync
selected-changed undefined Object[] - array of updated selected entries event emitted every time the selected entries change
fetch-entries page string - current pagination page
query string - the search string
sort object - the sort filter
type object - the type filter
Event emitted to fetch entries
entry-clicked undefined string - the id of the clicked entry Triggered when the entry is clicked

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
head per default this element contains the search element of the component. Use this slot to replace it with your own elements
after-options to add custom elements at the end of the options row, e.g. custom drop downs
option-actions add custom action (buttons)
entries the component BaseMenuList is used per default to display the list of entries - if something different is required use this slot. entries Object[] - list of entries to display
select-entry Function - function to trigger when entry was selected - takes two arguments: @property index number: the index of the element in the entries list. selected boolean: if element was selected or deselected
text-content use this slot to individualize the displayed text per selector entry. item Object - the data of one single selector entry provided with entries
entry-right-side-elements use this slot to add elements to the right side of an entry. This slot content will be rendered in place of thumbnails and select checkbox so it will effectively disable the display of selection elements and if select mode is desired, custom elements should be provided is-selected boolean - was item selected
select-active boolean - is select mode of entry selector active
item Object - the complete entry provided by list
thumbnails add custom elements at the end of the item row (see also BaseMenuList). this slot can only be be used if the entries slot is not used item Object - the data of one entry provided by entries prop

# Demo

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM