# BaseChipsInputField

input field with chips functionalities

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
id if field is occurring more then once - set an id string - ''
selectedList list of selected options (strings or objects), displayed as chips
(you can use the .sync modifier on this property)
array - []
v-model input string string - ''
label input field label string -
showLabel define if label should be visible boolean - true
placeholder input field placeholder string - null
allowUnknownEntries define if the user can add an option that is not in the list boolean - true
allowMultipleEntries define only a single or multiple options can be selected boolean - true
addSelectedEntryDirectly this means typed input will be added as chip directly boolean - false
sortable if true a button with that functionality will be visible boolean - false
draggable define if chips should be draggable boolean - false
alwaysLinked define if entries should always appear linked (-> with grey background) boolean - false
hoverboxContent set content for the info box activatable by click.
see BaseHoverBox for more details
object - {}
isLoading show spinner to indicate that something is loading
(for dynamically fetched entries that need to do backend requests)
boolean - false
sortText if sorting is enabled this will be the text shown in the button string - 'Sort A – Z'
sortName if true sorting will consider the last string in a label or if a comma is
present the string before the comma
boolean - false
language set a language (ISO 639-1) string - ''
showInputBorder option to have the border of the input field not displayed boolean - true
useFormFieldStyling define if standard form field styling should be
used (otherwise no border, no box shadow)
boolean - true
dropDownListId specify the id of a linked drop down list string - ''
linkedListOption specify a linked list option (e.g. drop down)
(will be used in aria-activedescendant attribute)
string - null
identifierPropertyName specify the object property that should be used as identifier string - ''
labelPropertyName specify the object property that should be used as value to be displayed string - 'label'
isStringArray specify true if selectedList array is a array of strings boolean - false
displayChipsInline property for special case component BaseChipsBelow - if false in this case chips will
not be displayed in the input field
boolean - true
required mark as required field (currently only used for aria-required) boolean - false
invalid mark the form field as invalid and ideally also provide an error message
to display below the form field
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
disabled set true if input field should be disabled
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
errorMessage add an error message to be displayed below form field if field is invalid
for an example see BaseInput
string - ''
showErrorIcon define if error icon should be shown
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - true
clearable if true a remove icon will be shown allowing to remove
all input at once
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
loadable if true space is reserved for a loader that can be activated
with the 'isLoading' prop
boolean - false
isActive possibility to steer input field active state from outside
it is possible to use the .sync modifier here
boolean - false
inputClass specify additional input field styling string - ''
setFocusOnActive use this prop to deactivate automatic setting of focus as soon as input element
becomes active - this might require external handling of focus setting!
boolean - true
chipsEditable define true if chip should be editable on click

Caveat: chips can not be both draggable AND editable and it can not show
hoverBoxContent as soon as it is editable respectively - if both are set true edit
functionality takes precedent - chip will not be draggable, hoverBoxContent will not
be shown!
boolean - false
assistiveText this prop gives the option to add assistive text for screen readers

selectedOption: text read when a selected option is focused (currently only
working for editable chips)
object - {}
chipsRemovable define if selected options chips should come with a remove icon
(usually desired usability wise just an additional option for allowMultipleEntries
false if there is any other means of removal
(e.g. BaseAdvancedSearch))
boolean - true

# Events

Event name Properties Description
update:is-active undefined boolean - is input field active event updating the is-active prop in case of internal changes
input undefined string - the new input string emitting the input string if changed internally
removed event emitted if option is removed from the list of selected
options (additionally to altered list in case parent needs to know
which item was removed)
duplicate undefined Object - the option with the identical value emitted when user was trying to add an option but there was already
an option with the same value in the list of selected options
update:selected-list undefined (Object[], String[]) - the modified list - array inform parent of changes to selected option list
(you can use the .sync modifier on prop selectedList)
hoverbox-active value boolean - value describing if hoverbox active is true or false
option Object - the option for which the hoverbox was activated
event emitted on show / hide hoverbox

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
label-addition Slot to allow for additional elements on the right side of the label row <div> (e.g. language tabs))
pre-input-field slot to add elements within the form field but in a row before the actual input field. for an example see BaseInput
input-field-addition-before Slot to allow for additional elements in the input field <div> (before <input>)
chip a slot to provide customized chips entry object - one selected option displayed as chip
index number - the index of the entry in the selectedList array
chipActiveForRemove number - the index of the chip that is currently active to be removed (for keyboard handling)
removeEntry function - function to remove the entry from selectedList, needs entry and index as arguments
input-field-inline-before to add elements directly inline before the input (contrary to input-field-addition-before this does not wrap). for an example see BaseInput
input-field-addition-after for adding elements after input
post-input-field for adding elements at the end covering the whole height
error-icon use a custom icon instead of standard error/warning icon
remove-icon use a custom icon instead of standard remove icon
below-input below-input slot added to e.g. add drop down

# Demo

Simple chips input field example stand alone.

Additionally, to custom events, this component also has all events available emitted by the native input element (e.g. focus or blur events).

Also try to drag or sort the chips!

Example using the 'chip' slot with all props provided by the slot. Click the chip or use backspace to remove it.

Also see one more example in combination with a BaseDropDownList there.

Last Updated: 5/17/2023, 3:45:47 PM