# BasePopUp

A component as overlay to display messages

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
show could be used to control visibility boolean - false
title pop up header text string - 'Pop Up'
descriptionElementId specify the id of the element containing a description - for accessibility only string - ''
buttonLeftText text shown in left button string - 'Cancel'
buttonRightText text shown in right button string - 'Submit'
buttonLeftIcon icon shown in left button string - 'remove'
buttonRightIcon icon shown in right button string - 'check-mark'
buttonRightDisabled disable right button boolean - false
isLoading if true button loader will be shown boolean - false
isOpenFocus selector to focus if popup is open string - ''
fullscreenOnMobile specify to render component with max height and width boolean - false

# Events

Event name Properties Description
close Event triggered on right top corner close action
button-right Event triggered with right button
button-left Event triggered with left button

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
default slot to fill the body of the box with custom content
button-row custom button row

# Demo

A basic example

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM