# BaseDropButton

An Element to have the functionality of several buttons in one element

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
buttons array of button options
specify an array of strings naming the action (in case label and icon are handled via slot)
or objects with action, label and icon (action and label may be customized
via identifierPropertyName and labelPropertyName respectively)
array - []
primaryButton specify either a button object or the identifier value of one of the items in
the buttons array that should be shown as primary button - always visible.
in case a string is provided an object with that identifier should be present in the buttons
object|string - null
expandButtonLabel add a description for the expand button - purely for accessibility
string - 'Show more Options'
identifierPropertyName specify a custom buttons array object property that should be used as
string - 'action'
labelPropertyName specify a custom buttons array object property that should be used as
string - 'label'

# Events

Event name Properties Description
clicked undefined string - the action (string) that was provided for that button fired upon any button click

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
left-of-text create custom content (e.g. icon) left of text
right-of-text create custom content (e.g. icon) right of text

# Demo

Examples on BaseDropButton usage

  1. Have a buttons array and specify the primaryButton as string only
  2. Have buttons array and primary button as object as well
  3. Have objects with custom properties for button text and identifier
  4. Have buttons array and primary button as object without the primary button being included in the buttons array
  5. don't specify a primary button (first item in buttons array will be used)
  6. don't specify a buttons array, which means button will appear like a regular base button (also possible: a buttons array with only one option that is also the primary option)
  7. like example 1 but switch primary button from outside
Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM