# BaseDropDown

Accessible drop down component

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
options specify options to choose from
needs to be an array with label and value properties
array - []
label label for the drop down, recommended to define for accessibility string - 'Drop Down'
placeholder placeholder appearing in select when no option was
string - 'Select'
v-model the selected value object - {
value: '',
label: ''
showLabel define if label should be shown boolean - false
headerBackgroundColor set the background color of drop down head string - 'inherit'
language set a language (ISO 639-1) string - ''
valueProp set the name of the property that holds the value string - 'value'
isDisabled flag to set drop down inactive boolean - false
withSpacing flag to disable spacing left and right
(needed for sidebar drop downs)
boolean - true
alignDropDown align drop down with left or right border string left, right 'left'
id set id if drop down with this label appears more than once string|number - ''

# Events

Event name Properties Description
value-selected undefined Object - the selected option Event emitted when an option is selected

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
header-right place elements right of header
default create custom drop down body

# Demo

Drop Down Single Style without label

Drop Down with label and with custom background color

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM