# BaseFormGroups

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
formFieldJson the json object containing all the field information incl. x-attrs custom field
for placeholder, field type, etc. For more information on the attributes see
Most importantly the x-attrs needs to include the field form_group assigning
a number (1-based index!) to each form field by which fields are grouped.
Optional: add an attribute form_group_title to any group field (the field with the
lowest order takes precedent) to add a form group header.
object -
valueList the values for each field if any already present object - {}
language set current language string - 'en'
availableLocales provide information about all available languages array - []
formStyle define additional style for the form
should be an object eg. { 'padding-top': 0 }.
note: this applies to BaseForm not the wrapper
object - {}
fieldsWithTabs define fields (specify field name!) for which tabs should be shown array - []
fieldIsLoading enter the field name of a field that is currently fetching autocomplete
string - ''
dropDownLists provide an object that contains the options list for all
fields with autocomplete / chips input
object - {}
showErrorIcon define if error icon should be shown.
for an example on how it looks on an individual form field see BaseInput
boolean - false
clearable if true a remove icon will be shown allowing to remove
all input at once.
for an example on how it looks on an individual form field see BaseInput
boolean - false
fieldProps provide an object with settings and properties for each field. This takes an object
with the field name as properties with the props nested.
{ fieldName1: { required: false, ... }, fieldName2: { ... } }.

find the possible variables at the respective input components:
object - {}

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
label-addition Slot to allow for additional elements on the right side of the label row <div> (e.g. language tabs)) field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
pre-input-field slot to add elements within the form field but in a row before the actual input field. For an example see BaseInput. field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
input-field-addition-before Slot to allow for additional elements in the input field <div> (before <input>). field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
input-field-inline-before to add elements directly inline before the input (contrary to input-field-addition-before this does not wrap. For an example see BaseInput. field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
input-field-addition-after for adding elements after input field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
post-input-field for adding elements at the end covering the whole height field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)
error-icon use a custom icon instead of standard error/warning icon
remove-icon use a custom icon instead of standard remove icon
below-input below-input slot added to e.g. add drop down field-name string - in order to use slot for only one field use a if condition with the form field name (the object property)

# Demo

This component acts as a wrapper around BaseForm, so the form fields can be grouped into visually distinct forms without this being reflected in the field information of the OpenAPI definition by simply adding an x-attrs field form_group with an order number as value.

The events and slots (and mostly also props) of this component are identical to BaseForm.

Please note that this component should be rendered client side (important for SSR projects). So for example if you have a Nuxt project you will have to wrap the component in a <client-only> tag.

Below is a basic example (the form input fields are not fully functional) to demonstrate the layout.

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM