# BaseTooltipBox

Component to display a tooltip for additional content e.g: quick actions

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
attachTo HTMLElement to attach the tooltip
e.g.: vue ref element
null -
directionOrder define the default direction order array - ['top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left']
styles add additional styling
caveat: properties top, left and right will be overwritten due position calculation
object - {}
modalTitle title of the modal popup on mobile string - ''
typeOnMobile specify how the component is rendered on mobile resolutions

box: component is rendered at the attachTo HTMLElement
modal: component is rendered as a modal popup
fullscreen: component is rendered as ap popup with max height and width
string box, fullscreen, modal 'modal'
thresholdTop specify a threshold value in px for the box top position calculation
Useful to prevent top alignment of the TooltipBox, for example, when there is a fixed-positioned header (BaseHeader).

Note: The value can also be set globally with the CSS variable --base-tooltip-box-threshold-top.
The property will be overwritten by the CSS variable.
number - 0

# Events

Event name Properties Description
close Event emitted when close button is clicked or clicked-outside is triggered

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
default slot to inject box content

# Demo

# Demo with BaseImageBoxes