# BaseUploadPopUp

A component taking care of uploads within a pop up

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
fileList register files to upload
array with file-object(s) from file-input field
array - []
currentStatus define current status string initial, saving, success, failed 'initial'
cancelButtonText define button text
could be string or path to i18n json as well
string - 'cancel'
uploadText specify informational texts for the component -
this needs to be an object with the following properties:

title string - text used in the popup header
upload string - default button text
done string - button text when upload finished
retry string - button text when an upload error occurs
quotaExceeded - string text used when user quota is exceeded

The values of this object might be plain text or a key for an i18n file
object - {
title: 'File Upload',
upload: 'Upload',
done: 'Done',
retry: 'Try Again',

quotaExceeded: 'Unfortunately you exceeded your quota, because you have '
+ 'only {space} of space left. Please remove some files to enable uploading.'
uploadPercentage current upload progress in percent per file
array with current upload progress per file
e.g. [11, 55, 100]
array - []
userSpace define current free storage space (bytes) number - 10000000
rejectedFiles define rejected files
array with filename(s)
array - []
uploadedFiles define uploaded files
array with filename(s)
array - []
fileErrors define errors for rejected files
array with objects
eg: [{ name: 'foo.txt', message: 'The file may include a virus' }]
Note: each object must contain the properties: name, message
array - []

# Events

Event name Properties Description
cancel-upload Event emitted when cancel button is clicked
start-upload Event emitted when upload button is clicked
remove-file undefined number - index of the file entry Event emitted when remove button on file entry is clicked

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
default slot for additional content after upload bars but before buttons

# Demo

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM