# BaseBoxButton

A Base Box Shaped Button

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
renderElementAs specify the tag of the button string - 'div'
boxStyle Define type of button box style: 'large' | 'small' string large, small 'large'
icon specify icon name if desired, this uses the BaseIcon component;
see BaseIcon for available icons
string - null
showPlus show a plus sign next to the icon if true
only available for large button style
boolean - false
text specify the text for the button string - ''
subtext specify subtext for the button
only available for large button style
string - ''
boxSize define box size object - {
width: '25%'
boxRatio define the ratio of width and height of the box
(in percent string, e.g. 1:1 --> '100', 1:2 --> '50')
string - '100'
disabled set button inactive boolean - false
showTooltip show tooltip boolean - false

# Events

Event name Properties Description
clicked undefined Event - the native event event emitted on box click
on-tooltip undefined Event - the native event from tooltip triggered event emitted on tooltip click

# Slots

Name Description Bindings

Example buttons with a 1:1 ratio (100%)

Example button with a 1:2 ratio (50%)

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM