# BaseDropBox

An Element to drop files or other UI Elements into

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
icon specify an icon to be displayed centered in the box string - null
showPlus if true a plus sign is displayed in front of the icon boolean - false
text the text displayed below the icon string - ''
subtext specify a potential subtext string - ''
boxSize define the box size object - {
width: '250px'
boxRatio define the ratio of width and height of the box
(in percent string, e.g. 1:1 --> '100', 1:2 --> '50')
string - '100'
renderElementAs specify the tag of the button string - 'div'
dropType specify the type of drops string files, elements 'files'
dropElementName if the dropType is elements, specify the element group name
this needs to match the group name of the draggable element that should
be dragged into this element
string - ''
dragItemClass if the dropType is elements specify a class name to limit interactions to a certain element string - ''
disabled set button inactive boolean - false
showTooltip show tooltip boolean - false

# Events

Event name Properties Description
dropped-file undefined DragEvent - propagating the triggered event event emitted when a file or an element is dropped on the box, emitting the type of event
dropped-element undefined string - the id of the dropped element event emitted when an element is dropped on the box, emitting the element data id
clicked undefined Event - propagating the triggered click event Triggered when the box or tooltip is clicked

# Demo

A box with event firing on drop

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM