# BaseInput

Form Input Field Component

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
v-model input field settable from outside string|number - ''
label label for input field, required for usability purposes, handle
showing of label with property showLabel
string -
showLabel defines if input label should be visible boolean - true
id if field is occurring more then once - set an id
caveat: in case a custom input is used with the input slot it is important to
assign the same id to the input element
string - ''
placeholder set a placeholder for the input field string - 'Enter Text Here'
required mark as required field boolean - false
invalid mark the form field as invalid and ideally also provide an error message
to display below the form field
boolean - false
errorMessage add an error message to be displayed below form field if field is invalid string - ''
showErrorIcon define if error icon should be shown boolean - true
fieldType specify input type string text, number, password, email, url, search 'text'
dropDownListId specify the id of a linked drop down list string - ''
linkedListOption specify a linked list option (e.g. drop down)
(will be used in aria-activedescendant attribute)
string - null
hideInputField option to hide input field from outside (required for chips input) boolean - false
isActive set input field in active state from outside
the .sync modifier can be used on this prop
boolean - null
showInputBorder option to have the border of the input field not displayed boolean - true
useFormFieldStyling define if standard form field styling should be
used (otherwise no border, no box shadow)
boolean - true
clearable if true a remove icon (or custom icon if slot remove-icon is used) will be shown allowing to remove
all input at once
boolean - false
loadable if true space is reserved for a loader that can be activated
with the isLoading prop
boolean - false
isLoading show spinner to indicate that something is loading
(for dynamically fetched entries that need to do backend requests)
boolean - false
useFadeOut turn off input fade out if it interferes with other styling (e.g. with custom input) boolean - true
inputClass specify additional input field styling string - ''
language set a language (ISO 639-1) string - ''
setFocusOnActive use this prop to deactivate automatic setting of focus as soon as input element
becomes active - this might require external handling of focus setting!
boolean - true
disabled set true if input field should be disabled boolean - false
minLength set min length of characters number - null
maxLength set max length of characters number - null
decimals set number of decimals (fieldType=number)<br>
Note: -1 is used for endless decimals
number - null
decimalSeparator set decimal separator character, e.g. ',' for german string - '.'
min set minimum value to accept number - null
max set maximum value to accept number - null
validationTexts define validation messages
currently just for type number
object - {
min: 'Value must be greater than or equal to {value}.',
max: 'Value must be less than or equal to {value}.',
minLength: 'Text must be at least {value} character(s) long.',
maxLength: 'Text cannot be longer than {value} characters.'

# Events

Event name Properties Description
input undefined string - the input event value however Event emitted on input, passing input string
update:is-active undefined boolean - is input field active propagate active state changes of input field to parent
update:invalid val boolean - undefined propagate invalid state changes of input field to parent
click-input-field undefined FocusEvent, MouseEvent - event triggered by focusin or click Event emitted on click on input field <div>
clicked-outside undefined MouseEvent - the native mouse event Event emitted when click outside input field <div> is registered

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
label-addition Slot to allow for additional elements on the right side of the label row <div> (e.g. language tabs))
pre-input-field add elements before the actual input line but within the input field container
input-field-addition-before Slot to allow for additional elements in the input field <div> (e.g. chips) (before <input>)
input-field-inline-before to add elements directly inline before the input (contrary to input-field-addition-before this does not wrap
input replace native HTML input element with custom input id string - the id of the BaseInput component - if id is not provided in props this is an internal id that should also be set as <input> id
remove-icon use a custom icon instead of standard remove icon
input-field-addition-after for adding elements after input (e.g. used to add loader)
error-icon use a custom icon instead of standard error/warning icon
post-input-field after the actual input element over whole height of the input field container
below-input below-input slot added to e.g. add drop down

# Demo

A simple example without label

A example with label and slot demonstrations. Also enter text to see clearable state or toggle controls to see various properties such as invalid state and the below-input slot. Also it is demonstrated here how to use the isActive prop.

All events emitted by the native input element (e.g. @keydown) contained in the BaseInput component are also available.

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM