# BaseDateInput

Form Input Field Component for Date, Date - Date, Date - Time, or Time - Time

for date also a format switch between date | year is available

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
type select date or datetime or a range string daterange, datetime, single, timerange 'single'
v-model input field settable from outside.
attention: if this is an object it needs to contain all the
properties (e.g. date_from, time_to) already otherwise only
a string will be returned
object|string|date -
label label for input field, required for usability purposes, handle
showing of label with property showLabel
string -
showLabel defines if input label should be visible boolean - true
placeholder set a placeholder for the input field (object with date and time attribute respectively) object|string - () => ({ date: 'Select Date', time: 'Select Time' })
rangeSeparator define the range separator string - '–'
format specify date format.

date_year: display tabs that allow for toggle between only choosing year
or complete date
date_month_year: display tabs that allow for toggle between choosing only year,
year and month or complete date
string day, month, year, date_year, date_month_year 'day'
dateFormatLabels specify labels displayed instead of 'DD.MM.YYYY' and 'YYYY'
should have the form { date: 'xxx', month: 'zzz', year: 'yyy' }
object - {
date: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
month: 'MM.YYYY',
year: 'YYYY'
formatTabsLegend a legend for the date format switch buttons string - 'Switch between date formats'
language set calendar language (ISO 639-1).
caveat: currently only en, de and fr are supported
string de, en, fr 'en'
id set id number|string - 1
useFormFieldStyling define if standard form field styling should be
used (otherwise no border, no box shadow)
boolean - true
showInputBorder option to have the border of the input field not displayed boolean - true
required mark as required field (currently only used for aria-required) boolean - false
invalid mark the form field as invalid and ideally also provide an error message
to display below the form field
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
disabled set true if input field should be disabled
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
errorMessage add an error message to be displayed below form field if field is invalid
for an example see BaseInput
string - ''
showErrorIcon define if error icon should be shown
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - true
clearable if true a remove icon will be shown allowing to remove
all input at once
for an example see BaseInput
boolean - false
inputClass specify additional input field styling string - ''
setFocusOnActive use this prop to deactivate automatic setting of focus as soon as input element
becomes active - this might require external handling of focus setting!
boolean - true
isActive in order to be able to set input field active state from outside boolean - false
isActiveDelay use this prop to set a delay in ms before calender is displayed number - 0

# Events

Event name Properties Description
update:is-active undefined boolean - is input field active replace BaseInput state with BaseDateInput field active state and
propagate this one
input undefined string - the input event value however Event emitted on input, passing input string
value-validated undefined string, Object - the validated string or input object this event is emitted when the value was validated in case input should just be considered
after date validation
clicked-outside undefined MouseEvent - the native Event emit a custom clicked-outside event instead of BaseInput event (propagation stopped)
click-input-field undefined MouseEvent - the native Event event additionally triggered to BaseInput default click-input-field to also
set field active if component sourroundings are clicked
selected undefined string, Object - the input string or object emit an event when focus leaves the input

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
label-addition to add additional elements to the label row
pre-input-field to add elements within form field but before the input element line for an example see BaseInput
input-field-addition-before add elements within input form field but before all other elements - this field wraps if necessary for an example see BaseInput
input-field-inline-before add elements directly in the input line (no wrapping) for an example see BaseInput
post-input-field for adding elements after input
below-input to add elements below input fields e.g. add drop down

# Demo

Date range input fields

Single date input with format 'date_month_year', enabling switching the format
Date Time Input
Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM