# BaseTextList

Component to render data in p | ul | dt tags depending on field type 'data'

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
data data structure for different rendered tags:

<p>: { label: {string, Object}, data: {string} }
<ul>: { label: {string, Object}, data: {string[]}}
<dt>: { label: {string, Object}, data: [{ label: {string, Object}, value: {string}, url: {string}, additional: {Object} }]} or
{ label: {String, Object}, data: { label: {String, Object}, value: {string}, url: {string}, additional: {Object} }}

label might be a string or a language object with ISO 639-1 as object properties
(e.g. { en: 'x', de: 'y' }).
additional property creates a tooltip and takes an object in the same format as
data: label, value and url.
Note: for dt tag url will render value as a link
array - []
renderLabelAs render component as e.g.: 'h2' | 'h3' string - 'div'
labelMarginBottom set margin-bottom for the label boolean - false
cols2 render content in two columns boolean - false
autoHeight set box height to auto boolean - false
renderLinkAs specify how link element should be rendered - this needs to be a
valid vue link component (e.g. RouterLink, NuxtLink) and vue-router
is necessary
string - 'RouterLinnk'
listType specify how data-list (label, value) should be rendered string horizontal, vertical 'horizontal'

# Slots

Name Description Bindings
tooltip slot for tooltip content

# Demo

Example of BaseTextList to render data in one column

Example of BaseTextList to render data in two columns

Note: If data is a single Object and field type is 'string', then data will be rendered in two columns

Last Updated: 3/27/2023, 4:42:24 PM