# BaseIcon

A wrapper component for base icons

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
name define icon name string add-existing-collection, add-existing-object, add-new-collection, add-new-object, archive-arrow, archive-empty, archive-sheets, arrow-left, attachment, attention, audio-object, calendar-many, calendar-number, camera, check-mark, clock, collection, download, drag-lines, drag-n-drop, drop-down, duplicate, edit, eye-hide, eye, file-object, forbidden, home, image-object, information, institution, licence, logo, magnifier, next, options-menu, people, people-filled, play, plus, prev, print, refresh, remove, save-file, share, sort, subscribe, success, text, unsubscribe, video-object, waste-bin null
title define title tag string - ''
desc define description tag string - ''

# Demo

The spriteSheet 'base-ui-icons.svg' needs to be copied into the '/public' folder of your frontend project.
It is possible to set the path to the spriteSheet due a global variable in your frontend project:
var base_ui_icons = 'path/to/base-ui-icons.svg';

SVGs layers should be grouped and contain only simplified objects path.
SVGOMG or IcoMoon.io are services to harmonize sizes and optimize the icons beforehand.

Available icons:

Last Updated: 5/17/2023, 3:45:47 PM