# CSS Styling

# Color Scheme Customization

It is possible to customize the color scheme of base components through the following CSS variables that can be placed at the :root of your stylesheet:

:root {
    // primary app color
    --app-color: #673ab7;
    // secondary app color (a lighter version of app color)
    // mostly used for highlighting items on hover or active
    --app-color-secondary: #b085f5;
    // standard font colors
    --font-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
    // secondary color - for example used in labels
    --font-color-second: rgb(107, 107, 107);
    // background color for buttons or e.g. pop up header and progress bar background
    --button-header-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);
    // active color for drop down list elements
    --keyboard-active-color: rgb(217, 217, 217);
    // color for the border around input fields
    --input-field-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);
    // color used mostly for background in components
    --background-color: #f0f0f0;
    // boxes background color, e.g. BasePagination
    --box-color: #ffffff;
    // color used for the progress bar in BaseProgressBar
    --uploadbar-color: #999999;
    // BaseToggle customization colors
    --switch-checked-color: #4d4d4d;
    --switch-svg-checked-color: #ffffff;
    // color used for inactive text
    --graytext-color: rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.3);
    // used for user warnings in BaseProgressBar and BaseUploadPopUp
    --warning-color: #ff4444;
    // non-active color for BaseCarousel bullet points
    --pagination-bullet-color: #444444;

# Icon Customization

Icons used within the components may be customized by providing a self-generated sprite sheet that would need to include icons with the following names:

add-existing-collection, add-existing-object, add-new-collection, add-new-object, archive-arrow, archive-empty, archive-sheets, arrow-left, attachment, attention, audio-object, calendar-many, calendar-number, camera, check-mark, clock, collection, download, drag-lines, drag-n-drop, drop-down, duplicate, edit, eye-hide, eye, file-object, forbidden, home, image-object, information, licence, logo, magnifier, next, options-menu, people, play, plus, prev, print, refresh, remove, save-file, share, sort, subscribe, success, text, unsubscribe, video-object, waste-bin.

To make sure the latest icons are included and for instructions on how to integrate the generated sprite sheet into your front end project please also check documentation in the BaseIcon component.

Last Updated: 3/1/2023, 2:49:38 PM